Art-skills Primary Art Programme
One off masterclasses
Zoom-Led Art-skills sessions- Live online drawing and making sessions
Art Trolley
Bespoke Art workshops
- Sessions which have been tried and tested during lockdown with primary class (age 7-11)
- Artist on hand to support staff during the session to aid delivery and build staff skills and confidence.
- Children love to watch the artist create work alongside them on zoom.
“The children were amazed by yours at the end with some wows and they enjoyed working alongside you and saw it as an inspiration as they went along” (Year 4 teacher).
The Artskills Programme can only take place in a school once it has had an Art Trolley system initiated. This can be made using existing art materials which the school already own, or else a bespoke order is provided so that the school can order all the relevant materials. The fee for this system covers the auditing of current materials, ordering of new materials and organising them into a fully operational trolley. The result is an asset for any school serious about including art as an integral part of the curriculum.
Art Trolley
Bespoke Art workshops
Workshops can be designed to meet the specific needs of your curriculum, and can be delivered in your school to a very high standard. Some examples of these are:
- One day workshops where each child designs and finishes a piece of art to be taken home, and/or photographed for sketchbook or display.
- Workshops leading to the creation of a large-scale sculpture pieces or banners, which can be proudly displayed in the school for many years.
- Legacy Projects – for example, the creation of art which can be transferred into books, or printed onto calendars, tea towels, tote bags etc. These can then be sold in the wider community to provide funds for the school.
Workshops can be arranged in any of the following disciplines at any Primary or secondary level:-
Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Textiles, Photography, Printing, Collage, Multimedia.
Off the Shelf workshops
The following workshops are currently available to book for whole classes, and can be made to fit any curriculum theme required:-
Tie-dye (Indian Bandani method)
African Fabric printing using geometric mathematics.
Paper tape sculpture
Clay modelling
Collage/ Multi media
Viking Shields
Roman Shields
Large collaborative weaving
For smaller groups:-
Large mask making
Larger sculptures
To receive a more comprehensive list of specific curriculum-linked projects, please email me.
Bespoke Presentations
Bespoke presentations can be created to include information and visual resources on a specific artist or artists, art forms or non-art curriculum themes e.g. The Romans, presented in a visually engaging way.
These can be created to support specific projects that teachers may wish to deliver each year. Presentations can include resources to enable teachers to create sketchbook pages about a specific artist or a non-art curriculum theme.
Request a Resource – link to email.
Express an interest in a resource that you would like to use.